Vehicle Transport and Storage
Vehicle Transport Services
Vehicles are more than a way to get from point A to point B. Car collectors and enthusiasts make substantial investments in their vehicles and place as much value on them as their other prized belongings. For this reason, Elliott takes special care when transporting vintage or modern vehicles and ensures that they arrive safely at their new location through our road freighting partners.
Elliott’s trusted vehicle carrier partners take every precaution to ensure a successful move. They offer personal attention, professional carrier vehicles, and skilled staff to handle the complexities of the move. On arrival, you may collect your vehicle from one of our many centrally located nationwide depots or have the vehicle delivered to your door. And if you are not quite ready to receive your car, we are able to offer you additional safe storage.
If you are relocating internationally, Elliott will safely move your car via sea freight with your household belongings, either placed together or separately in an exclusive container.
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