6 Things To Look For When Choosing Storage Facilities
- Elliott
- Storage Services
- 6 Things To Look For When Choosing Storage Facilities
6 Things To Look For When Choosing Storage Facilities
- Elliott
- Storage Services
- 6 Things To Look For When Choosing Storage Facilities
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We don’t always have space for everything we own. There are a couple of reasons for this, such as moving to a new address or simply accumulating a lot of possessions over the years. In either case, you probably need to start looking for storage facilities for your excess belongings (or anything else of your choosing that you can’t necessarily accommodate immediately). Continue reading for our list of 6 things to look for when choosing storage facilities.
What Do I Need To Look For When Choosing Storage Facilities?
When choosing storage facilities, it is important to know that not all facilitiesare created equally. No matter how you lookat it, your choice definitely matters. The 6 thingswe’ve listed below should help make the process of choosing facilitieseasier, so take a lookand use this guide to get the best storage facilitiesfor your needs.
- Security: You are effectively leaving your belongings in the care of strangers, so you need to know that your stuff is safe and secure. Don’t be afraid to ask about the kind of security measures in place to protect your belongings, but there are a few thingsthat should be non-negotiable, like CCTV cameras, good physical locks, security guards, sturdy fencing and construction, and good access control. Of the 6 thingslisted here, this one is arguably the most important to look for. While your choice should be informed by each of the 6 thingsin this list altogether, this point should take precedence.
- Size/scalability: You don’t need an entire warehouse in which to store your things, especially if you only need to store a few pieces of furniture or boxes. You are (probably) not Indiana Jones. Conversely, if you do need a lot of space for your things, your facility of choice should be able to accommodate you. Good storage solutions are thus scalable to your requirements.
- Affordability: You shouldn’t have to spend an arm and a leg to store your things. It’s always a good idea to compare prices between every facility you lookat, but make sure you’re paying for quality storage and not just a glorified garage with a padlock.
- Time: Before storing your belongings with a certain company, make sure you understand the lease period (in other words, how long you can store your stuff at that location). You will usually have a choice between temporarily storing your belongings and doing so permanently. Whether you need to store your stuff for 6 months or 6 years, inquire with the facility as to whether it’s possible and whether there are additional fees or discounts to be aware of if you choose either option.
- Accessibility: You should be able to access your unit whenever you want or need to. Some companies may restrict the times you are able to access your unit due to “safety concerns”, but you should definitely question the overall safety of the facility if your goods are only technically safe during certain hours. Also, if you have a physical disability or any special needs, you should make sure that the facility of your choice can accommodate you.
- Specialised services: If you need to store specialised items such as fine art, vintage wines, or priceless furniture, you will need access to a facility that can accommodate these items. You can’t just store them in a regular unit and hope for the best! These specialised items usually require the utmost care, as they represent significant financial investments or sentimental value. Keep an eye out for features such as climate control, temperature control, dust control, and specialised packaging and transport. The latter point is essential, as you will definitely need specialised transportation services to transport your priceless goods from your home (or any other location) to the facility. It’s better to take these precautions and be safe rather than taking a seemingly small risk and incur damage on your investment.
Still Need Help Choosing Storage Facilities? Talk To Us!
You don’t need to make this choice on your own. Elliott can help you! We offer every service and feature mentioned above, so you won’t even have to lookanyfurther than us. We are experts in moving and transporting your goods, no matter their value and no matter your requirements.
Contact us now for a consultation.