Not Hiring Professional Piano Movers Is a Classical Mistake

Not Hiring Professional Piano Movers Is a Classical Mistake

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The one thing many piano owners have in common is the dread they feel when the instrument needs to be moved. It is a complex operation, as you cannot simply pick up a piano and move it around like a couch or a table. These instruments have special requirements and need to be handled with great care (and perhaps a degree of reverence). A well-meaning or overeager owner may attempt to move the instrument themselves, but this approach often ends in disaster. It is therefore important to hire professional piano movers both to ensure the unit leaves its original spot safely and without incident, and to ensure that it arrives at its destination intact and without a scratch. 

What Makes Pianos So Difficult to Move?

Pianos are not necessarily designed for moving around and are usually fixed in a particular spot for a very long time simply because of their overwhelming size. There are smaller, more portable versions of traditional pianos available (such as electronic keyboards), but even they need to be handled by professional piano movers when in the event of a relocation. There are many reasons why these items are difficult to move:

  • They are big. Most pianos are large, striking features in a home, not only beautifully crafted but also bulky and heavy. With gravity working against you, it is important to use the correct equipment to ensure the piano does not come crashing down. This includes using heavy-duty straps, getting sufficient leverage to lift the instrument off the ground, and procuring a moving vehicle that can accommodate both the size and the weight of the instrument. Some units can indeed be disassembled and reassembled for transport (which we will be happy to facilitate), but it is more likely that the instruments must be kept as is and you will require a team of expert piano movers to do the job.

  • They are valuable. Often, these pieces are expensive and, as such, they are more expensive to insure. Many of these pieces also boast fine craftsmanship and antique features, while some are rich family heirlooms that are cherished for future generations. They also tell stories of many hours of hard work and dedicated practice for those passionate pianists. As such, piano movers take care to keep the instrument intact, as any kind of loss is usually significant. 

  • They are surprisingly delicate. You would think that a piano would be robust, but the opposite is true. These are finely tuned instruments with a fragile body and intricate parts that are essential to the instrument’s functioning and, indeed, its ability to produce a quality sound. The parts can be replaced, but often at a great cost. Piano movers are trained to handle this fragile item with care to ensure it remains in pristine condition throughout.  

  • They scratch easily. Depending on the manufacturer and the age of the instrument, damage to the body can be costly to fix, and can also affect the resale value of the unit in the event of it being sold or donated to a third party. While more commonly found woods and materials often constitute the body nowadays, older units are made of rare and expensive materials. The instrument is highly susceptible to scratches and, to avoid damage to be caused to the body, piano movers use specialist techniques and equipment to move the item.

Why It Is Better to Trust Professional Piano Movers

When it comes to moving priceless or expensive possessions, Elliott is the company you should approach first. Simply put, we know what we are doing, and we have the right tools for the job. Elliott is an established industry leader, and we have conducted countless moves. Our movers employ professional and state-of-the-art moving techniques to ensure that we move your items with expert care assuring you of the successful relocation of your most precious belongings. We are also specialists in packing, storing, shipping, relocating and installing other precious assets, such as your valuable fine art and vintage wine collection and other one-of-a-kind pieces that need extra precision in handling.   

When it comes to your piano, all you need to do is inform us about its size, where you want to move it (as well as where we need to move it from), and when you would like the move to take place. Our piano movers will handle the rest. If you need to relocate your valuable items, whether large or small,  contact Elliott today.

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