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Professional Movers in Pretoria
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Professional Movers in Pretoria – Tips on Preparing Pets for the Relocation
It is one thing to make use of professional movers in Pretoria to move your home belongings to another city in South Africa. It is a completely new ball game when it comes to having to move your pets and household items in addition to extra vehicles to another province. For suburb-to-suburb moves in Pretoria, you most probably will not need additional help from professional movers to help relocate your pets. However, a long-distance move can be tricky, since you want your pets, household items, vehicles, and house occupants to all arrive safely at the new home within a particular period.
You will be glad to know that we, as professional movers in Pretoria, offer short-distance and long-distance moving services. Such also includes pet relocation to minimise the stress your animals experience when having to leave their beloved home behind for a new adventure.
To help you plan the pet relocation part, let us look at a few tips below. The rest you can leave up to us as your first choice when it comes to professional movers in Pretoria.
Invest in Good-Quality Pet Carriers
Indeed, if your pets must be relocated via air transportation, you will need pet carriers with secure lock systems. Enquire about the requirements from the air carrier or simply let our team of professional movers handle the logistics. Place the pet carriers in your home and leave the units open for a few days or even weeks before the big moving day. This will help them get used to the carriers, making it less scary to travel long-distance in the carriers.
Positive Association
Add a blanket and one of their favourite toys to each of the carriers. In this way, they will associate the carriers with a positive experience and will even spend time in the units. Now go a step further by giving a treat or two in the carriers and then letting them in the units. Take them for short drives in the carriers and let them out for a walk. Return home with them in the carriers to make them used to travelling in the units. Also, be sure to only use the particular carriers for positive experiences.
Invest in Quality Tags
Buy high-quality pet name tags from the pet accessory store and have your contact details engraved on the tags. Also, tag the pet carriers. If you are comfortable with RFID chips for your animals, have them chipped at the vet and ensure the correct information is added to the database. Now, should the animals get lost for any unforeseen reason, you are able to track them, and if someone finds them, they can contact you. This is important, since animals often run away when they arrive at their new homes, mostly because they try to find their way back to their familiar environments. Dogs often get out of the garden during the initial chaos, and because they do not know their environments, get lost. Take proactive steps to ensure your animals can be returned.
Do Not Feed Them Two Hours Before Their Departure
The airline may require a longer time, but if transporting the animals by road to the new home, we recommend that you stop feeding them two hours before the trip. You can still give them water, but to avoid carsickness, it is best to feed them at their new home. However, if it is a long trip by road, you may have to feed them halfway.
Give More Security for Your Cat
Feline companions are often more nervous than dogs when it comes to moving. Ask your vet or animal behaviourist for advice on how to reduce the stress for your cat during the move and at the new house. It is best to keep your cat in one room with many of your personal items and a comfortable sleeping space for a day or two to prevent your cat from taking to the road. Ask our professional movers in Pretoria for transport advice regarding your cat.
Reduce Their Stress – Keep Them Away from All the Chaos
You know what is happening. They do not. All they experience is that everyone seems rather busy and items are removed from the house. Their spaces are invaded and they become nervous. There are many strange people in their house and they do not know what to make of it. Keep them in a room or area away from all the madness. Place their water bowls, food, beds, toys, and familiar items in the separated area. Be sure to check in with them from time to time, but remain calm to ensure they do not become overexcited.
For the rest, you can rely on us as professional movers in Pretoria to get your pets, plants, and household items safely to your new house.